how and why sharks get abused

Kategori: Allmänt

Sharks get abused by a fisherman catching them in a net and start finning them. Finning a shark means that with a sharp knife you cut off the fin and throw the alive shark in the ocean. This is a very horrible thing. The fisherman doesnt care if this is abuse or not he just wants money. With the fins from the shark a soup is made of it and it is called shark-fin soup. In some places of Asia shark-fin soup is a delacicy. Because more and more people are alive prices go up and the fisherman want to fish even more. 


  • AC/DC säger:

    I lover this awsome blog!!!!


    Svar: Thanks =)

    2013-04-20 | 21:39:42
  • Kimberly säger:

    that is horrible. fishermen should not do that.

    2013-05-02 | 12:41:13

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