Please spred the word

Kategori: Allmänt

please help us to spred the word!!! tell your friends, family, classmates, colleges and the community. and if you have a youtube channel you should make a video about shark/whale abuse and write a link to our blog. Please help us make our voices heared around the world so advertise and spread the word.

Thank you!

Here we have a picture on abuse

Kategori: Allmänt

facts and figures on shark abuse

Kategori: Allmänt

In this entry we shall be talking about facts and figures on shark abuse. Sharks have a very slow maturity, long reproduction cycles and slow preganancy.  Every year 100 million sharks get abused for their fins to make shark fin soup. The abuse is also happening because the fisherman want money. In the last 15 years some species of shark have dropped by 90 percent. While others have dropped by in between 50-90 percent. At this rate sharks can go extinct any second. Around 3 sharks get abused each second. 1,2,3.......1,2,3.........1,2,3. Thats how many sharks get abused per sec.Here is a picture of shark fin soup.

Picture of a whale

Kategori: Allmänt

I hope you like our pictures we put out.

Picture of a shark

Kategori: Allmänt

I hope you like this shark picture and hope it will make you start thinking about this magnificent species.

Do not consume shark fin soup!!

Kategori: Allmänt

In this entry I am going to write about a quick and effective way to stop shark abuse. It is to not consume shark fin soup. If consumer levels dropp 0% then all the suppliers would not be able to sell shark fin soup. If they do then there would be no suppliers and no shark fin soup. So everyone sould pitch in and help save the sharks!! Please just do what we have said.

how and why sharks get abused

Kategori: Allmänt

Sharks get abused by a fisherman catching them in a net and start finning them. Finning a shark means that with a sharp knife you cut off the fin and throw the alive shark in the ocean. This is a very horrible thing. The fisherman doesnt care if this is abuse or not he just wants money. With the fins from the shark a soup is made of it and it is called shark-fin soup. In some places of Asia shark-fin soup is a delacicy. Because more and more people are alive prices go up and the fisherman want to fish even more. 

Abuse leads to dirty water

Kategori: Allmänt

If we use the food chain consequences theory about all animals in the ocean go extinct if one marine animal dies out. That means that also zooplankton will go extinct. Zooplankton help clean the water by eating up all the little pieces of sea plants flouting in the ocean. If zooplankton weren't alive the ocean would be covered in algae. Or in other words the worlds ocean would be like a swamp. So we need to stop shark/whale abuse before it is too late. Or we will be living in a swampland of slime/goo/algae.

Donating and Adopting

Kategori: Allmänt

There are many ways to help save sharks and whales. Some examples are to adopt or donate, protest, write letters to governments and put shark/whale fisherman to jail. There are also other more simple ways. In this entry we will talk about adopting and donating. If you adopt a shark/whale that means that you pay an organization money to take care, feed and give it safety for one shark/whale for the rest of its life. You can also name the animal you adopted. When you donate you pay money to an orginization and with the money they build sea reservation parks or maybe build boats to hunt fishing boats with. Some orginizations are WWF, Sharktrust and greenpeace. There are some links in LÄNKAR to your right. Click on them and donate/adopt.

The Food Chain Consequences

Kategori: Allmänt

This entry will be our first one and we hope you enjoy reding it. Also if you want to follow us. Lets get started. The food chain is the chain of big animals eat smaller animals that eat even smaller animals and etc. The sharks are on the top of this chain apart from mankind. Same goes for whales. If sharks were to go extinct then everything in the oceans would be effected and die. Sharks extinction would lead to overpopulation, and starvation. Whales extinction would make zooplankton overpopulate. If sharks go extinct big fish would overpopulate eating up all the small fish so big fish starve and zooplankton overpopulate and etc.